Cards of Christmas Past…

My wife, Leah Jay, made a Christmas card for us this year!

This used to be a tradition for us in the 1990s. We’d each draw or paint a card and send it to our friends. It was fun, but eventually became a bit too much - two separate designs and twice as many to send and sign. So we switched to commercial cards eventually.

But her card reminded me of these old cards.

So this holiday season enjoy some of my twisted versions of old St. Nick!

Robots… I always loved them, so why not Santa as some killer bot, who knows if you’ve been naughty? ;)

I love a good futurist vision, especially 1930-40s art deco-inspired science fiction art. Thus Santa’s Bright Future, with reindeer getting in on the gift delivery action, under the beneficent supervision of Rudolph and the big boss himself.

Finally, Santas vs. El Froste - I still even have copies of the original card. (I’d run these off on the work copier [shhhh…]) The text was all ancient sign-making software fonts...

And since this was before the internet was an indispensable fount of information, I had to send out a data card too. ;)


Killer probes of movies past…